Remove those annoying inlay hints (annotations) on Jetbrains Rider

Annoyed at seeing all the visual cruft like this?

1. Open up settings

2. In the sidebar, navigate to Editor > Inlay Hints

3. Uncheck “Show hints for:” everything

4. Then navigate to Editor > Inlay Hints > General

5. Then update the following options

  • Uncheck “Enable Inlay Hints in .NET languages
  • Uncheck “Reserve press and hold of the Ctrl key for Push-To-Hint”
  • Update “Default visibility” to “Never Show”

5. Have a much cleaner code experience!

How to Create Global Keyboard Hook with C# in Linux

For my intents and purposes, I wanted to have some code that would publish an event any time the user pressed a key anywhere on the system. While developing this, I found that I could also hook into mouse events as well.

It’s important to note that the code here (due to the Linux) doesn’t really distinguish between a keyboard button press and a mouse button press. To Linux, they’re both just buttons.

Understanding that you can actually expand this code to work with other items like gamepads and special input peripherals if you desire.

Additional Gotchas – This code here will just listen to events, but won’t block them from being consumed by the rest of the operating system. This means that if you want an event handler to the power off button or volume buttons you’ll run into issues with other processes consuming those updates.

Setting Up Permissions

In order to run this code, the user that runs this program will have to be in the input user group otherwise it will throw an exception. Run this command to add the current user to that group.

sudo gpasswd -a $USER input


Since the folder /dev/input is essentially an event bus of a bunch of input/output devices for the Linux, there are a variety of event types that you may want to consume. Here is the enumeration to make deciphering the event types a little easier.

public enum EventType
    /// <summary>
    /// Used as markers to separate events. Events may be separated in time or in space, such as with the multitouch protocol.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to describe state changes of keyboards, buttons, or other key-like devices.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to describe relative axis value changes, e.g. moving the mouse 5 units to the left.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to describe absolute axis value changes, e.g. describing the coordinates of a touch on a touchscreen.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to describe miscellaneous input data that do not fit into other types.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to describe binary state input switches.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to turn LEDs on devices on and off.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to output sound to devices.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Used for autorepeating devices.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to send force feedback commands to an input device.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// A special type for power button and switch input.
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to receive force feedback device status.
    /// </summary>


Like many other event handling systems there are multiple events that happen each time that the user presses a key. Once when the key is pressed down, another when the key is pressed up, and another if the user decides to hold the key down.

public enum KeyState


Each distinct button is associated with an event code. Whether it’s a button on a keyboard or a button on a mouse, you’ll probably be able to find it here. He is a helper enum class to make deciphering those codes easier.

/// <summary>
/// Mapping for this can be found here:
/// </summary>
public enum EventCode
    Reserved = 0,
    Esc = 1,
    Num1 = 2,
    Num2 = 3,
    Num3 = 4,
    Num4 = 5,
    Num5 = 6,
    Num6 = 7,
    Num7 = 8,
    Num8 = 9,
    Num9 = 10,
    Num0 = 11,
    Minus = 12,
    Equal = 13,
    Backspace = 14,
    Tab = 15,
    Q = 16,
    W = 17,
    E = 18,
    R = 19,
    T = 20,
    Y = 21,
    U = 22,
    I = 23,
    O = 24,
    P = 25,
    LeftBrace = 26,
    RightBrace = 27,
    Enter = 28,
    LeftCtrl = 29,
    A = 30,
    S = 31,
    D = 32,
    F = 33,
    G = 34,
    H = 35,
    J = 36,
    K = 37,
    L = 38,
    Semicolon = 39,
    Apostrophe = 40,
    Grave = 41,
    LeftShift = 42,
    Backslash = 43,
    Z = 44,
    X = 45,
    C = 46,
    V = 47,
    B = 48,
    N = 49,
    M = 50,
    Comma = 51,
    Dot = 52,
    Slash = 53,
    RightShift = 54,
    KpAsterisk = 55,
    LeftAlt = 56,
    Space = 57,
    Capslock = 58,
    F1 = 59,
    Pf2 = 60,
    F3 = 61,
    F4 = 62,
    F5 = 63,
    F6 = 64,
    F7 = 65,
    F8 = 66,
    Pf9 = 67,
    F10 = 68,
    Numlock = 69,
    ScrollLock = 70,
    Kp7 = 71,
    Kp8 = 72,
    Kp9 = 73,
    PkpMinus = 74,
    Kp4 = 75,
    Kp5 = 76,
    Kp6 = 77,
    KpPlus = 78,
    Kp1 = 79,
    Kp2 = 80,
    Kp3 = 81,
    Kp0 = 82,
    KpDot = 83,

    Zenkakuhankaku = 85,
    //102ND = 86,
    F11 = 87,
    F12 = 88,
    Ro = 89,
    Katakana = 90,
    Hiragana = 91,
    Henkan = 92,
    Katakanahiragana = 93,
    Muhenkan = 94,
    KpJpComma = 95,
    KpEnter = 96,
    RightCtrl = 97,
    KpSlash = 98,
    SysRq = 99,
    RightAlt = 100,
    LineFeed = 101,
    Home = 102,
    Up = 103,
    Pageup = 104,
    Left = 105,
    Right = 106,
    End = 107,
    Down = 108,
    Pagedown = 109,
    Insert = 110,
    Delete = 111,
    Macro = 112,
    Mute = 113,
    VolumeDown = 114,
    VolumeUp = 115,
    Power = 116, // SC System Power Down
    KpEqual = 117,
    KpPlusMinus = 118,
    Pause = 119,
    Scale = 120, // AL Compiz Scale (Expose)

    KpComma = 121,
    Hangeul = 122,
    Hanja = 123,
    Yen = 124,
    LeftMeta = 125,
    RightMeta = 126,
    Compose = 127,

    Stop = 128, // AC Stop
    Again = 129,
    Props = 130, // AC Properties
    Undo = 131, // AC Undo
    Front = 132,
    Copy = 133, // AC Copy
    Open = 134, // AC Open
    Paste = 135, // AC Paste
    Find = 136, // AC Search
    Cut = 137, // AC Cut
    Help = 138, // AL Integrated Help Center
    Menu = 139, // Menu (show menu)
    Calc = 140, // AL Calculator
    Setup = 141,
    Sleep = 142, // SC System Sleep
    Wakeup = 143, // System Wake Up
    File = 144, // AL Local Machine Browser
    Sendfile = 145,
    DeleteFile = 146,
    Xfer = 147,
    Prog1 = 148,
    Prog2 = 149,
    Www = 150, // AL Internet Browser
    MsDos = 151,
    Coffee = 152, // AL Terminal Lock/Screensaver
    RotateDisplay = 153, // Display orientation for e.g. tablets
    CycleWindows = 154,
    Mail = 155,
    Bookmarks = 156, // AC Bookmarks
    Computer = 157,
    Back = 158, // AC Back
    Forward = 159, // AC Forward
    CloseCd = 160,
    EjectCd = 161,
    EjectCloseCd = 162,
    NextSong = 163,
    PlayPause = 164,
    PreviousSong = 165,
    StopCd = 166,
    Record = 167,
    Rewind = 168,
    Phone = 169, // Media Select Telephone
    Iso = 170,
    Config = 171, // AL Consumer Control Configuration
    Homepage = 172, // AC Home
    Refresh = 173, // AC Refresh
    Exit = 174, // AC Exit
    Move = 175,
    Edit = 176,
    ScrollUp = 177,
    ScrollDown = 178,
    KpLeftParen = 179,
    KpRightParen = 180,
    New = 181, // AC New
    Redo = 182, // AC Redo/Repeat
    F13 = 183,
    F14 = 184,
    F15 = 185,
    F16 = 186,
    F17 = 187,
    F18 = 188,
    F19 = 189,
    F20 = 190,
    F21 = 191,
    F22 = 192,
    F23 = 193,
    F24 = 194,
    PlayCd = 200,
    PauseCd = 201,
    Prog3 = 202,
    Prog4 = 203,
    Dashboard = 204,    // AL Dashboard
    Suspend = 205,
    Close = 206,    // AC Close
    Play = 207,
    FastForward = 208,
    BassBoost = 209,
    Print = 210,    // AC Print
    Hp = 211,
    Camera = 212,
    Sound = 213,
    Question = 214,
    Email = 215,
    Chat = 216,
    Search = 217,
    Connect = 218,
    Finance = 219,  // AL Checkbook/Finance
    Sport = 220,
    Shop = 221,
    AltErase = 222,
    Cancel = 223,   // AC Cancel
    BrightnessDown = 224,
    BrightnessUp = 225,
    Media = 226,
    SwitchVideoMode = 227,  // Cycle between available video outputs (Monitor/LCD/TV-out/etc)
    KbdIllumToggle = 228,
    KbdIllumDown = 229,
    KbdIllumUp = 230,

    Send = 231, // AC Send
    Reply = 232,    // AC Reply
    ForwardMail = 233,  // AC Forward Msg
    Save = 234, // AC Save
    Documents = 235,

    Battery = 236,

    Bluetooth = 237,
    Wlan = 238,
    Uwb = 239,

    Unknown = 240,

    VideoNext = 241,    // drive next video source
    VideoPrev = 242,    // drive previous video source
    BrightnessCycle = 243,  // brightness up, after max is min
    BrightnessAuto = 244,   // Set Auto Brightness: manual brightness control is off, rely on ambient
    DisplayOff = 245,   // display device to off state

    Wwan = 246, // Wireless WAN (LTE, UMTS, GSM, etc.)
    RfKill = 247,   // Key that controls all radios

    MicMute = 248,  // Mute / unmute the microphone
    LeftMouse = 272,
    RightMouse = 273,
    MiddleMouse = 274,
    MouseBack = 275,
    MouseForward = 276,
    ToolFinger = 325,
    ToolQuintTap = 328,
    Touch = 330,
    ToolDoubleTap = 333, 
    ToolTripleTap = 334, 
    ToolQuadTap = 335,
    Mic = 582


Mouse movements are expressed in an amount moved and an axis associated with that change. 0 represents movements on the X axis and 1 represents movements on the Y axis.

public enum MouseAxis


Here is the event that I use to process key press events.

public class KeyPressEvent : EventArgs
    public KeyPressEvent(EventCode code, KeyState state)
        Code = code;
        State = state;

    public EventCode Code { get; }
    public KeyState State { get; }


Here is the event that I use process mouse movement change updates.

public class MouseMoveEvent : EventArgs
    public MouseMoveEvent(MouseAxis axis, int amount)
        Axis = axis;
        Amount = amount;
    public MouseAxis Axis { get; }
    public int Amount { get; set; }


This is where the bulk of the work happens. Here we have a class, where you provide the path to one of the event files and it publishes updates whenever it comes in. An example file that does this would be “/dev/input/event0”.

More research would be needed to support more events types, but I was only interested in keyboard and mouse input so it serves my purposes. I also opted to drop the timestamp that is included with each button event, but if you’re interested, you can find it on the first 16 bits on the buffer.

public class InputReader : IDisposable
    public delegate void RaiseKeyPress(KeyPressEvent e);

    public delegate void RaiseMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent e);

    public event RaiseKeyPress OnKeyPress;
    public event RaiseMouseMove OnMouseMove;

    private const int BufferLength = 24;
    private readonly byte[] _buffer = new byte[BufferLength];
    private FileStream _stream;
    private bool _disposing;

    public InputReader(string path)
        _stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);


    private void Run()
        while (true)
            if (_disposing)

            _stream.Read(_buffer, 0, BufferLength);

            var type = BitConverter.ToInt16(new[] {_buffer[16], _buffer[17]}, 0);
            var code = BitConverter.ToInt16(new[] {_buffer[18], _buffer[19]}, 0);
            var value = BitConverter.ToInt32(new[] {_buffer[20], _buffer[21], _buffer[22], _buffer[23]}, 0);

            var eventType = (EventType) type;

            switch (eventType)
                case EventType.EV_KEY:
                    HandleKeyPressEvent(code, value);
                case EventType.EV_REL:
                    var axis = (MouseAxis) code;
                    var e = new MouseMoveEvent(axis, value);

    private void HandleKeyPressEvent(short code, int value)
        var c = (EventCode) code;
        var s = (KeyState) value;
        var e = new KeyPressEvent(c, s);

    public void Dispose()
        _disposing = true;
        _stream = null;


I’m looking to handle input from every device anywhere on the system. I’ve put together this class to aggregate the input events from all the files in the “/dev/input” folder.

Known issue – This code will throw an exception if a usb device is removed while it’s running. I do intend to fix it in my own app implementation, but I don’t have time to take care of it now.

public class AggregateInputReader : IDisposable
    private List<InputReader> _readers = new();
    public event InputReader.RaiseKeyPress OnKeyPress;

    public AggregateInputReader()
        var files = Directory.GetFiles("/dev/input/", "event*");

        foreach (var file in files)
            var reader = new InputReader(file);
            reader.OnKeyPress += ReaderOnOnKeyPress;


    private void ReaderOnOnKeyPress(KeyPressEvent e)

    public void Dispose()
        foreach (var d in _readers)
            d.OnKeyPress -= ReaderOnOnKeyPress;

        _readers = null;

Example Usage

Not bad that this can now be accomplished in two line of code.

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        using var aggHandler = new AggregateInputReader();

        aggHandler.OnKeyPress += (e) => { System.Console.WriteLine($"Code:{e.Code} State:{e.State}"); };


Thanks for sticking with this. I hope it works out for you!

Listing Input Devices with C# in Linux

I’m going on a journey to build a remote hub for my home theater using an Arduino and my C# programming skills. Part of that story is I wanted to be able to get input from a wireless USB remote that I purchased on amazon.

I’m still not entirely certain that this is even possible, but one part of the process is being able to list the devices that Linux has connected as input devices.

The first step was finding out that there is a file located at: “/proc/bus/input/devices” which contains a list of devices and details about how to connect to them.

Here is the screen of the output when I run the command: “sudo cat /proc/bus/input/devices”

My response from here is to build out the code to map this data to a c# class so that I can use it in other places. I was able to get a really good breakdown of the construction of the data here based on this stack overflow posting.

To start this, I built out a POCO objects:

public class LinuxDeviceIdentifier
     public string Bus { get; set; }
     public string Vendor { get; set; }
     public string Product { get; set; }
     public string Version { get; set; }

public class LinuxDevice
     public LinuxDeviceIdentifier Identifier = new();
     public string Name { get; set; }
     public string PhysicalPath { get; set; }
     public string SysFsPath { get; set; }
     public string UniqueIdentificationCode { get; set; }
     public List<string> Handlers = new();
     public List<string> Bitmaps = new();

Now that I have the objects to map to I’m able to build out the functionality to read the file. This is what I came up with:

public class DeviceManager
        public static IEnumerable<LinuxDevice> Get(string path = "/proc/bus/input/devices")
            var devices = new List<LinuxDevice>();

            using var filestream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
            using var reader = new StreamReader(filestream);
            var linuxDevice = new LinuxDevice();
            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                var line = reader.ReadLine();

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linuxDevice.Name))
                        linuxDevice = new LinuxDevice();    

                if (line.StartsWith("I"))
                    ApplyIdentifier(line, linuxDevice);
                else if (line.StartsWith("N")) 
                    linuxDevice.Name = line.Substring(9, line.Length - 9 - 1);
                else if (line.StartsWith("P"))
                    linuxDevice.PhysicalPath = line[8..];
                else if (line.StartsWith("S")) 
                    linuxDevice.SysFsPath = line[9..];
                else if (line.StartsWith("U")) 
                    linuxDevice.UniqueIdentificationCode = line[8..];
                else if (line.StartsWith("H")) 
                    linuxDevice.Handlers = line[12..]
                        .Split(" ")
                        .Where(h => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(h))
                else if (line.StartsWith("B"))

            return devices;

        private static void ApplyIdentifier(string line, LinuxDevice linuxDevice)
            var values = line[3..]
                .Split(" ");

            foreach (var v in values)
                var kvp = v.Split("=");

                switch (kvp[0])
                    case "Bus":
                        linuxDevice.Identifier.Bus = kvp[1];
                    case "Vendor":
                        linuxDevice.Identifier.Vendor = kvp[1];
                    case "Product":
                        linuxDevice.Identifier.Product = kvp[1];
                    case "Version":
                        linuxDevice.Identifier.Version = kvp[1];

Please Note: In order to run this code you either need to run as Root or run as a user who is in the input group in linux for security reasons.

Thanks for checking this post out. I hope it helped you out!

Setting Window Size With Caliburn Micro

This is something that has actually bugged me for a while. Once I figured it out, it annoyed me that I didn’t figure it out sooner.

When displaying a window in Caliburn.Micro, you can set attributes about the Window object when calling it.

So, let’s say you want to set the height and width on the window to 600 x 300:

First, you would start with something like this:

public class ShellViewModel : PropertyChangedBase, IShell
    private readonly IWindowManager windowManager;

    public ShellViewModel()
        this.windowManager = new WindowManager();
        this.windowManager.ShowWindow(new LameViewModel());

There are two other fields on the ShowWindow method. The third parameter lets you dynamically set the attributes on the Window object.

public class ShellViewModel : PropertyChangedBase, IShell
    private readonly IWindowManager windowManager;

    public ShellViewModel()
        this.windowManager = new WindowManager();

        dynamic settings = new ExpandoObject();
        settings.Height = 600;
        settings.Width = 300;

        this.windowManager.ShowWindow(new LameViewModel(), null, settings);

I wish there was more information about working with this on the documentation, but there you have it.

Wiring Up Fluent Validation to WPF


I originally wrote this proof of concept about 7 years ago early in my time with WPF. I published it on an earlier iteration of my blog via Github Gist and WordPress (You can find the gist here). After which point I pretty much forgot out it.

I recently came across the Gist and found that it has helped out a surprising number of people. So, it makes sense to me to pull this in to a blog and annotate it a bit better. If there is interest, I may make some more changes to streamline to examples and take advantage of newer C# features.


Fluent Validation is my favorite validation library for C#. It is pretty straightforward to use and it forces you to separate out the validation code into a separate class which IMHO generally makes the code cleaner.

The library includes some pretty standard integrations with ASP.NET, but there never was a first class implementation that integrates a validator with a WPF view model. This post is a proof of concept that I put together to bridge that gap.

Building the Validator

For the purposes of demonstration. We’ll have a UserViewModel which has a property for Name, E-Mail, and Zip Code. So we’ll write a quick validator for the usual aspects of that data.

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using FluentValidation;
using WpfFluentValidationExample.ViewModels;

namespace WpfFluentValidationExample.Lib
    public class UserValidator : AbstractValidator<UserViewModel>
        public UserValidator()
            RuleFor(user => user.Name)
                .WithMessage("Please Specify a Name.");

            RuleFor(user => user.Email)
                .WithMessage("Please Specify a Valid E-Mail Address");

            RuleFor(user => user.Zip)
                .WithMessage("Please Enter a Valid Zip Code");

        private static bool BeAValidZip(string zip)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zip))
                var regex = new Regex(@"\d{5}");
                return regex.IsMatch(zip);
            return false;

Creating the View to Present the Validation

Here is the view that I created to demonstrate this implementation.

This is a standard form written in XAML with a few differences:

  • In the property binding for the text on the textboxes we can see that I added a “ValidatesOnDataErrors=True” clause.
  • On each one of those textboxes as well, I expanded out the Validation.Error template property with a stack panel which will slot in a validation error when one occurs.
        xmlns:viewModels="clr-namespace:WpfFluentValidationExample.ViewModels" x:Class="WpfFluentValidationExample.Views.UserView"
        Title="UserView" Height="300" MinWidth="500">
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Label Content="Name" Margin="10"/>
            <TextBox Text="{Binding Name, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" Width="200" Margin="10">
                        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                            <AdornedElementPlaceholder x:Name="textBox"/>
                            <TextBlock Margin="10" Text="{Binding [0].ErrorContent}" Foreground="Red"/>
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Label Content="E-Mail" Margin="10"/>
            <TextBox Text="{Binding Email, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" Width="200" Margin="10">
                        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                            <AdornedElementPlaceholder x:Name="textBox"/>
                            <TextBlock Margin="10" Text="{Binding [0].ErrorContent}" Foreground="Red"/>
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Label Content="Zip" Margin="10"/>
            <TextBox Text="{Binding Zip, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" Width="200" Margin="10">
                        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                            <!-- Placeholder for the TextBox itself -->
                            <AdornedElementPlaceholder x:Name="textBox"/>
                            <TextBlock Margin="10" Text="{Binding [0].ErrorContent}" Foreground="Red"/>
        <Button Margin="10">Submit</Button>

The Code Behind on the View

Including this for the sake of completeness. Please ignore.

using System.Windows;
using WpfFluentValidationExample.ViewModels;

namespace WpfFluentValidationExample.Views
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for UserView.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class UserView : Window
        public UserView()
            DataContext = new UserViewModel();

The Viewmodel

The viewmodel is the integration point between the fluent validator, the data, and the view. Initially this looks like a standard viewmodel. We have a property for the name, email, and zip code.

Closer to the bottom, you’ll find the integration for the validation:

  • There is the integration of the overloaded [] operator which matches up the property name with the validation.
  • There is also the addition of an Error string which combines together all the errors into a single string
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using WpfFluentValidationExample.Lib;

namespace WpfFluentValidationExample.ViewModels
    public class UserViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, IDataErrorInfo
        private readonly UserValidator _userValidator = new UserValidator();

        private string _zip;
        private string _email;
        private string _name;

        public string Name
            get { return _name; }
                _name = value;

        public string Email
            get { return _email; }
                _email = value;

        public string Zip
            get { return _zip; }
                _zip = value;

        public string this[string columnName]
                var firstOrDefault = _userValidator.Validate(this).Errors.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PropertyName == columnName);
                if (firstOrDefault != null)
                    return _userValidator != null ? firstOrDefault.ErrorMessage : "";
                return "";

        public string Error
                if (_userValidator != null)
                    var results = _userValidator.Validate(this);
                    if (results != null && results.Errors.Any())
                        var errors = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, results.Errors.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage).ToArray());
                        return errors;
                return string.Empty;

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
            PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
            if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));


Thanks for sticking around to the end. I hope this helped you out improving the validation on your WPF application.

If this helped you out, it would be helpful to star the Github Gist that is linked at the top of the post so that I know that I’m helping people out.

Getting Started with Hangfire

Putting together this guide for testing out hangfire to fill in some of the gaps I found through creating a greenfield hangfire application.

Setting up a database to test with

Since I don’t have a SQL Server running that I can just attach to. I’ll have to run through the initial set up of SQL Express Edition

  1. Navigate to the website:
  2. Under the “Express” item at the bottom of the fold, hit the button “Download Now >”
  3. Run the installer
  4. Select “Basic” option
  5. Hit the “Accept” button without reading anything because I actually want to get some work done.
  6. Install it to the default directory

Creating the Blank Project to Get Started

  1. Open up Visual Studio 2019
  2. Choose “Create a new Project”
  3. Search for project type. Since I would like to use the dashboard for this, I will have to use at least a .net core project. So, I selected the ASP.NET Core Empty project
  4. I named the application HangfireExperimentation
  5. Selected the Target Framework to be .NET 5.0 (Current).

Setting up the Test Database for Hangfire to Use

  1. On the top menu go to View > SQL Server Object Explorer. This will open up a tab that allows you to navigate through the local database.
  2. From this view: Expand out SQL Server > {You’re localdb instance} > Databases
  3. Right Click on Databases and select “Add New Database”
  4. Name that Database HangfireExperimentation
  5. Expand out that database
  6. Right click on the database that was just created and select “Properties”
  7. In the properties tab, copy the connection string and save it somewhere to use later. Mine was something like:
Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=HangfireExperimentation;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False

Set up the Nuget Packages

  1. In the solution explorer, right click on the project and select “Manage nuget Packages…”
  2. Click on the “Browse” tab in the window
  3. Search for “Hangfire”
  4. Install the following packages
  • Hangfire.Core
  • Hangfire.SqlServer
  • Hangfire.AspNetCore

Updating the appsettings.json file

  1. Open up the appsettings.json file
  2. Update the LogLevel to include hangfire
  3. Add the connection string that you saved earlier to the list of connection strings

My appsettings.json file ended up looking like this:

"Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
    "Default": "Information",
    "Microsoft": "Warning",
    "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information",
    "Hangfire": "Information"
"ConnectionStrings": {
    "HangfireConnection": "Data Source=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=HangfireExperimentation;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False"
"AllowedHosts": "*"

Update the Startup.cs file

  1. Update the ConfigureServices() method so that it looks like this:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddHangfire(configuration => configuration
        .UseSqlServerStorage(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["HangfireConnection"].ConnectionString, new SqlServerStorageOptions
            CommandBatchMaxTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
            SlidingInvisibilityTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
            QueuePollInterval = TimeSpan.Zero,
            UseRecommendedIsolationLevel = true,
            DisableGlobalLocks = true


    services.AddMvc(option => option.EnableEndpointRouting = false);
  1. Run through and add the missing references
  2. Add in the Configuration field that ConfigureServices(…) uses to get the connection string
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
    Configuration = configuration;

public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
  1. Update the Configure(…) method to look like this:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, 
    IWebHostEnvironment env, 
    IBackgroundJobClient backgroundJobs)

    backgroundJobs.Enqueue(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello world from Hangfire!"));

    app.UseMvc(routes =>
            name: "default",
            template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

Testing things out

  1. Hit play on Visual Studio
  2. Since this was created with blank project
  3. Navigate to the hangfire dashboard. My url was: https://localhost:44321/hangfire
  4. PROFIT?!!

Activator.CreateInstance Alternatives with Benchmarks

.NET provides multiple ways of generating objects at runtime. Each of these options offer their own trades offs in terms of performance. I will demonstrate that not only are there great performance gains to be had over Activator.CreateInstance(…), but I will also show that there are nuances to how you set up these classes that can dramatically effect performance.

Why is this important?

While there may be more applications, two examples that I can think of that rely on generating objects at runtime are game development frameworks and IOC (inversion of control) containers. Many game develoment environments are set up to create and manipulate objects that are dynamically loaded in. Being able to do that quickly is super important especially with the recent boom of game development in C# as of late.

IOC containers also need to be able to generate objects quickly because applications that use them will typically rely on the framework to generate most of the objects in the application.

I decided to put together this analysis because I recently started working on a legacy codebase that relies a great deal on Activater.CreateInstance for instantiating objects. Swapping out the implementation of Activater.CreateInstance could load to some better performance. I may report back with my findings.

Show me the code!

I want you to be able to verify my results if you wish. As such, I’ve put together a github repo with all the code I used to do these benchmarks:

In addition to this, I’m going to break down each segment that I tested in these benchmarks.

the ‘new’ operator

The new operator is the normal way of creating new objects in C#.

public static class ActivatorCreateBuilderWithoutGeneric
    public static TestObject Build()
        return (TestObject)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TestObject));

This is included because it will serve as our baseline to show us how much performance we are losing by dynamically generating our objects at runtime.


This is the simplest and most common way of generating objects at runtime. It’s simple to write and is generally performant enough for most things, but we can do better.

Create Instance without a Template

public static class ActivatorCreateBuilderWithoutGeneric
    public static TestObject Build()
        return (TestObject)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TestObject));

Create Instance with a Template

public static class ActivatorCreateBuilderWithGeneric
    public static TestObject Build()
        return Activator.CreateInstance<TestObject>();

I’m including both the templated and the non-templated version in this test because there can be performance implications demonstrated in the other methods.


These methods rely on combination of the System.Reflection and System.Runtime.Serialization namespaces. I believe these methods rely primarily on serialization to generate the objects; however, I didn’t look at the source code.

Without a template, without caching

public static class FormatterServicesBuilderWithoutCachingWithoutGeneric
    public static object Build(Type t)
        var o = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(t);
        var ctor = t.GetConstructors()[0];
        return ctor.Invoke(o, new object[] { });

Without a template, with caching

public static class FormatterServicesBuilderWithCachingWithoutGeneric
    private static readonly Dictionary<Type, ConstructorInfo> cache = 
        new Dictionary<Type, ConstructorInfo>();

    public static object Build(Type t)
        if (cache.TryGetValue(t, out ConstructorInfo ctor))
            var o = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(t);
            return ctor.Invoke(o, new object[] { });
            var o = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(t);
            ctor = t.GetConstructors()[0];
            cache.Add(t, ctor);
            return ctor.Invoke(o, new object[] { });

With a template, without caching

public static class FormatterServicesBuilderWithoutCachingWithGeneric<T>
    public static T Build()
        var t = typeof(T);
        var o = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(t);
        var ctor = t.GetConstructors()[0];
        return (T)ctor.Invoke(o, new object[] { });

With a template, with caching

public static class FormatterServicesBuilderWithCachingWithGeneric<T>
        private static readonly Type t = typeof(T); 
        private static readonly ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructors()[0];

        public static T Build()
            var o = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(t);
            return (T)ctor.Invoke(o, new object[] { });

Emitting IL

These methods are often referenced as being the fastest way to generate objects at runtime. To a certain degree, that is true; however, there are some nuances to the topic that we will see when it comes to the benchmarks.

Without a template, without caching

public static class MsilBuilderWithoutCachingWithoutGeneric
    public delegate object DynamicObjectActivator();

    public static object Build(Type t)
        var dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod("CreateInstance", t, Type.EmptyTypes, true);
        var ilGenerator = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
        ConstructorInfo emptyConstructor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
        ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, emptyConstructor);
        var del = (DynamicObjectActivator)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(DynamicObjectActivator));
        return del();

Without a template, with caching

public static class MsilBuilderWithCachingWithoutGeneric
    public delegate object DynamicObjectActivator();
    private static readonly Dictionary<Type, DynamicObjectActivator> cache = new Dictionary<Type, DynamicObjectActivator>();

    public static object Build(Type t)
        if(cache.TryGetValue(t, out DynamicObjectActivator value))
            return value();

        var dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod("CreateInstance", t, Type.EmptyTypes, true);
        var ilGenerator = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
        ConstructorInfo emptyConstructor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
        ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, emptyConstructor);

        var del = (DynamicObjectActivator)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(DynamicObjectActivator));
        cache.Add(t, del);

        return del();

With a template, without caching

public static class MsilBuilderWithoutCachingWithoutGeneric
    public delegate object DynamicObjectActivator();

    public static object Build(Type t)
        var dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod("CreateInstance", t, Type.EmptyTypes, true);
        var ilGenerator = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
        ConstructorInfo emptyConstructor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
        ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, emptyConstructor);
        var del = (DynamicObjectActivator)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(DynamicObjectActivator));
        return del();

With a template, with caching

public static class MsilBuilderWithCachingWithGeneric<T>
    private static Type t = typeof(T);
    private static Func<T> func;

    public static T Build()
        if(func != null)
            return func();

        var dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod("CreateInstance", t, Type.EmptyTypes, true);
        var ilGenerator = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
        ConstructorInfo emptyConstructor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
        ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, emptyConstructor);

        func = (Func<T>)dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<T>));
        return func();

Compiled Linq method

This is the final benchmark that we’ll be doing for this post. This is also often referred to the fastest way to generate an object dynamically at runtime. While this may be true, there are some nuances to this much like generating IL at runtime.

With a template, without caching

public static class LinqBuilderWithoutCachingWithGeneric
    public static T Build<T>()
        var t = typeof(T);
        var ex = new Expression[] { Expression.New(t) };
        var block = Expression.Block(t, ex);
        var builder = Expression.Lambda<Func<T>>(block).Compile();
        return builder();

With a template, with caching

public static class LinqBuilderWithCachingWithGeneric<T>
    private static readonly Type t = typeof(T);
    private static readonly Expression[] ex = new Expression[] { Expression.New(t) };
    private static readonly BlockExpression block = Expression.Block(t, ex);
    private static readonly Func<T> builder = Expression.Lambda<Func<T>>(block).Compile();

    public static T Build()
        return builder();

The actual testing code

Since I am a noob to writing benchmark code, I decided to use the framework benchmark .net for doing this performance analysis. The framework was really nice for providing easy testing and making sure the environment was set up to not introduce side effects that could skew the results.

The code was compiled in x64 with the /optimize flag. In addition to this the benchmarks were run without the debugger attached.

[RPlotExporter, RankColumn]
public class TheActualBenchmark
    public int N;

    public TestObject StandardNew() => NewBuilder.Build();

    public TestObject ActivatorCreateBuilderWithoutGenericTest() => 

    public TestObject ActivatorCreateBuilderWithGenericTest() => 

    public TestObject FormatterServicesBuilderWithoutCachingWithoutGenericTest() => 

    public TestObject FormatterServicesBuilderWithCachingWithoutGenericTest() =>

    public TestObject FormatterServicesBuilderWithoutCachingWithGenericTest() =>

    public TestObject FormatterServicesBuilderWithCachingWithGenericTest() =>

    public TestObject MsilBuilderWithoutCachingWithoutGenericTest() =>

    public TestObject MsilBuilderWithCachingWithoutGenericTest() =>

    public TestObject MsilBuilderWithoutCachingWithGenericTest() =>

    public TestObject MsilBuilderWithCachingWithGeneric() =>

    public TestObject LinqBuilderWithoutCachingWithGenericTest() =>

    public TestObject LinqBuilderWithCachingWithGenericTest() =>

Show me the results!

1Standard New2.057 ns0.0291 ns
2Linq Builder w/ Caching w/ Generic10.443 ns0.0219 ns
3Msil Builder w/ Caching w/ Generic18.629 ns0.0363 ns
4MsilBuilderWithCaching w/o Generic32.084 ns0.1033 ns
5ActivatorCreateBuilder w/o Generic37.118 ns0.1491 ns
6ActivatorCreateBuilder w/ Generic44.275 ns0.1224 ns
7FormatterServicesBuilder v Caching w/ Generic157.669 ns1.6577 ns
8FormatterServicesBuilder w/o Caching w/o Generic203.001 ns0.4439 ns
9FormatterServicesBuilder w/ Caching w/o Generic205.826 ns0.3978 ns
10FormatterServicesBuilder w/o Caching w/ Generic206.732 ns0.3488 ns
11MsilBuilder w/o Caching w/ Generic61,932.402 ns764.5614 ns
12MsilBuilder w/o Caching w/o Generic62,795.093 ns494.1148 ns
13LinqBuilder w/o Caching w/ Generic76,461.628 ns998.5591 ns

Based of of these results we can draw some pretty solid conclusions

  1. The fastest way by far to create an object is by using the new operator. Using the new operator yields performance this is about 18 times faster than Activater.CreateInstance and about 5 times faster than our fastest dynamic implementation.
  2. If you can specify the class via a generic, your fastest implementation is going to be using the Linq builder implementation with caching. It’s performance was about three times faster than Activator.CreateInstance.
  3. If you have to specify your type via the typeof operator, than the fastest implementation is going to be with dynamically generating Msil code. Using this method produced objects in about half the time compared to Activater.CreateInstance.
  4. If you’re going to try writing your own object creation code, please use caching. None of the implementaions tested were about to compete with Activator.CreateInstance unless they used some form of method caching. Furthermore, without caching our fastest implementation ended up becoming our slowest method of dynamically generating an object.
  5. If you plan on only creating on object once, you’re better off using Activator.CreateInstance. The method that performed the best in this test did so because they were able to cache the process of building the object.
  6. Formatter services should never be used for building objects at runtime.


I really appreciate you taking the time to read to the end. This information took several days to code, tabulate, and review. I hope you found it helpful.

Setting up Autofac with Caliburn Micro v3.2.0 and Autofac v4.8.1

I find myself frequently setting up new projects with Caliburn Micro; however, It isn’t always easy to remember the code to integrate Autofac with the bootstrapper. So, here is the template that I use when creating a new application.

public class ClientBootstrapper : BootstrapperBase
    private static IContainer Container;

    public ClientBootstrapper()

    protected override void Configure()
        var builder = new ContainerBuilder();


        Container = builder.Build();

    protected override IEnumerable<object> GetAllInstances(Type service)
        var type = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(service);
        return Container.Resolve(type) as IEnumerable<object>;

    protected override object GetInstance(Type service, string key)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
            if (Container.IsRegistered(service))
                return Container.Resolve(service);
            if(Container.IsRegisteredWithKey(key, service))
                return Container.ResolveKeyed(key, service);

        var msgFormat = "Could not locate any instances of contract {0}.";
        var msg = string.Format(msgFormat, key ?? service.Name);
        throw new Exception(msg);

    protected override void BuildUp(object instance)

Hope this helps you out! Good luck with your WPF application.